It’s a story worthy of an Off Broadway jukebox musical, or at least a Lifetime TV movie three old friends unite over their shared passion for classic girl-group pop, go their separate ways in life, then get back together for one more heartfelt Da-Doo-Ron-Ron after 25 years.
It’s also a true-life adventure, and in today’s edition of Red Bank oRBit you’ll find out how Cindy Wolfson Ciullo of Red Bank retro boutique Backward Glances managed to reassemble the original 1984 lineup of her band The Girlettes (right) for one more “modest yet milestone” mini-concert in front of her store this Saturday evening. We’ll bring you the exclusive story, and also recommend a couple of possible casts.
From Broad Street, we’ll take it over to Asbury Park, where the annual Road Trip Weekend opens (unofficially) tonight with at least one event that promises to turn the Shore’s most iconic club “gay for a day.” We’ll run down the busy slate of RT8 happenings and even offer up a few that aren’t officially part of the schedule.
It’s all here for your Thursday, with a slew of additional weekend picks to come on Friday only in the pixelated pages of Red Bank oRBit.