Today’s edition of Red Bank oRBit spotlights a guy who’s got the ear of “titans of industry, Hollywood celebrities and leaders from around the world” America’s Fourth Leading Motivational Speaker, Mr. Donny Clay.
Actually, we couldn’t get the busy self-help guru to sit for a lengthy interview, so we did the next best thing rang up his good friend Jason Alexander, the star of stage, screen, sitcom and stud (poker) who travels with Clay wherever he goes, including an appearance this Thursday at the Count Basie Theatre.
The actor who will forever be linked (by fan devotion as well as residual checks) to Seinfeld‘s George Costanza discusses the origins of the Donny Clay phenomenon on the corporate-seminar circuit along with why the self-help set aren’t all phoneys, what he might have done for a living in an alternate reality, and what might have become of the characters from Seinfeld in the age of the life coach.
You can do it; you can click on that link and go to that place and let Donny Clay show you the way; here in Red Bank oRBit!