
Some items from Monday night’s bimonthly meeting of the Red Bank Council:

The council honored this year’s teachers of the year at local schools. They are:

Red Bank Primary School: Karen Gerber

Red Bank Middle School: Damian Medina

Red Bank Regional High: Cassandra Dorn

Red Bank Charter School: Brenda Conni

Two proposed ordinances were introduced:

2009-26 An Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Chapter XXV, “Planning and Development Regulations,” Section 25-8.29-1, “Stormwater Management and Control.”

2009-27 An2009-27 An Ordinance Authorizing the Leasing of Certain Capital Equipment by the Borough of Red Bank, New Jersey from the Monmouth County Improvement Authority and the Execution of a Lease and Agreement Relating Thereto.

[CORRECTION: The above ordinance wasn’t introduced as planned; it was removed from the agenda shortly before the meeting, according to deputy borough clerk Pam Borghi.]

Two other previously introduced ordinances were passed unanimously:

2009-23 An Ordinance Changing the Name of Locust Avenue to Justice O’Hern Avenue.

We’ve got a separate story on the above shortly.

2009-24 Bond Ordinance Amending and Supplementing Bond Ordinance Number 2008-24 heretofore Finally Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Red Bank, in the County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey on October 13, 2008 Entitled, “Bond Ordinance Providing for Various 2008 Capital Improvements by the Water/Sewer Utility of the Borough of Red Bank, in the County of Monmouth, State of New Jersey; Appropriating $675,000 Therefor and Authorizing the Issuance of $675,000 Bonds or Notes to Finance the Cost Thereof,” as Previously Amended and Supplemented by Bond Ordinance Number 2009-4 Finally Adopted on February 23, 2009, to Increase the Appropriation Therein by $206,000 and to Increase the Authorization of Bonds or Notes Therein by $195,500 to Finance Part of the Additional Cost

The following resolutions were passed:

09-173 A Resolution Supporting Equality and Civil Rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Americans.

Councilman Ed Zipprich sponsored this item. He told redbankgreen that he thought it important that the borough be on record as supporting gay rights.

09-186 A Resolution Requesting Approval of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to Establish a Dedicated Trust by Rider for the Red Bank Human Relations Committee in Accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29.

This change, if approved, would allow the Human Relations Committee to fund programs through the sale of t-shirts. Like other committees and commissions other than the borough Shade Tree Commission, this one gets no money from the borough government.

09-188 A Resolution Authorizing Preparation of Bid Specifications and Receipt of Bids related to demolition of the Sunset Avenue Incinerator

Councilmembers Michael DuPont and Art Murphy were absent.