A poster in the reception area of the Red Bank Middle School honors the school’s placement in the national competition.
Following up on our story from May 15, we can now report that the Red Bank Middle School video program is $30,000 richer in technology thanks to its third-place finish in a national filmmaking competition.
“We took the bronze, winning over $30,000 in Sony gear and software,” arts & culture instructor Chris Ippolito tells redbankgreen in an email. “Needless to say, we are all ecstatic and can’t wait to put our winnings to work during the next school year.”The contest, which drew more than 1,400 entries, was sponsored by Sony and the International Society for Technology and Education. It called for student-made films on the theme “Community of the Future,” described this way on the contest website:
We want students to share their vision of how technology will shape their community in the future. For example, what might their community be like in the year 2050? How will people shop, travel, and communicate? Students are encouraged to interact with their local city council, mayor, city employees, community centers, and other groups to create their film.
With help from Ippolito and music teacher Holcombe Hurd, the RBMSers came up with a script for ‘2048,’ a five-minute rock opera in three parts.
The film and the first and second-prize winners can be seen here.