Todays edition of Red Bank oRBit takes it down to Asbury Park, a music town where several generations of blues musicians could tell you a thing or five about the blues its history, technique and that certain something that draws a line between those who study it and those who live it.
When Hubert Sumlin comes to town “with a vengeance” on Thursday, the innovative stylist who most famously played guitar lieutenant to Howlin Wolf for years will be causing those generations of bluesguys to bow ‘n genuflect. He’ll appear at the lovely Langosta Lounge rather than a place that evokes the southern juke joints and midwest roadhouses of his formative years. In our exclusive interview, we talk to Sumlin about the long road that brought him to this day and place (including a strange case of giggus interruptus that happened right here in Red Bank), and the road that still winds ahead for the 77-year-old legend.
It’s there for your perusal in Red Bank oRBit the only online source for local arts and entertainment news that lives the blues!