Computer picA public works department database contains photos of violations, like this heap of curbside furniture.

Red Bank residents hoping never to get stung —or restung — with a ticket for violating borough laws governing curbside brush, leaves and bulk items will have a chance to learn how Wednesday night.

Gary Watson, director of the public utilities department, will make one of his periodic appearances at the monthly meeting of the West Side Community Group to explain the rules and answer questions.

The meeting is at 7p at the River Street Commons auditorium. Use the Catherine Street entrance between Bridge and Shrewsbury avenues, and be sure not to park in one of the residents’ designated spaces to avoid getting an earful.

For more information, call Joyce Williams at 732.741.315 or Amy Goldsmith at 732.747.0306.

By the way, here’s the DPU bible on the rules, in case you didn’t get one in the mail or put it out with the recycling: Download DPU-Newsletter-2009

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