Rumson’s future borough hall may be ready for occupancy as early as June 1, Mayor John Ekdahl tells the today’s Asbury Park Press after the town council authorized the purchase of $124,000 worth of desks, chairs and other furniture last night.
“We could move in about June 1,” Ekdahl says. “Maybe.”
From the article:
Administrator Thomas S. Rogers said exterior work on the $7.9 million project is about 75 percent complete, a statistic borne out by bricks covering about three quarters of the building’s exterior. About a month ago, the new building exterior was sheathed in yellow insulating material.
Work is being done to finish electrical work inside the new structure, Rogers said. Furniture such as desks, chairs, filing cabinets and tables was ordered to provide suppliers with enough lead time, he said. Electronic equipment, such as computer printers and copiers, will be moved over from Memorial Hall.