Theater Week tramps on over at Red Bank oRBit, with a look at THOROUGHLY
MODERN MILLIE, the latest musical extravaganza staged by Red Bank's own Phoenix Productions at the Count Basie Theatre.
It's a thoroughly modern
move for the Phoenix, as producer Tom Martini and his long-running
troupe are keeping it fresh with a new show, a new director and, with Donna
Missal (pictured) as Millie, some new faces in the cast.
Switching channels, we head down to Asbury Park, where TV star Timmy Williamss you know, from that show The Whitest Kids U Know? Wednesday
mornings at 1:30 on the IFC cable network? Well anyway, he'll be presenting
his "comedy stylings" at the center lanes of the retro rock palace Asbury Lanes this weekend; dodging bands and bowling balls and maybe a Tot or two.
All this plus the latest listings from The Orb, only on our savvy satellite
site, Red Bank oRBit.Email this story