Noworbiting_iconBudDornToday’s Red Bank oRBit offers up a double feature that spotlights
the return of a local classic and a coming-attractions trailer for one of
the most highly anticipated sequels in cinema-buff circles.

First, we finally get around to answering the question, ‘Whatever Happened
to the Red Bank International Film Festival?’ Seems that the RBIFF for 2008
is a GO, even though it’s no longer 2008 (and it’s not going to be presented
in Red Bank). In any event, we’ve got the details on the long-awaited return
of the Freedom Film Society folks, who are planning a whole slate of
blockbuster activities that you’ll read about first right here.

After that, it’s a trek down Memory Lane, as we take a closer look at the
1930s celluloid curiosity ROMANCE AND RED BANK, the hyper-local production
created by Red Bank’s own Bud Dorn (at right) and his dad.

Unlike most other
media types, we’ve actually sat through the thing, and we’ll tell you
everything you needed to know — without the need for any spoiler alerts, of course.

The balcony is open, philm phreaks, ONLY in Red Bank oRBit.

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