Today’s Red Bank oRBit shines a spotlight on Woody Guthrie, the
folksinger-songwriter-painter-author whose legacy looms ever larger as we
all reacquaint ourselves with the subtleties of those official Hobo Signs.
The artist, who died in 1967, is the subject of a traveling roadshow of
words and music that hops a boxcar into Monmouth University this weekend.
There’s also an exhibit of Guthrie’s artwork (including some
surprisingly fine cartoons) and memorabilia from his family’s archives and
we’ve got the first word on an upcoming film program at the West Long Branch
campus as well.
But this being oRBit, we wouldn’t let you off the hook for the weekend
without further recommending the first East Coast appearance by “Fab Gore”
tribute band The The Zombeatles a jaw-dropping bit of underground theater that
does the Vagina Monologues one better and what’s being billed as “the last
human freak show in the world” (where else but at the Asbury Lanes)?
And from who else, but your ever-perky activity directors over at Red Bank oRBit?