RBPD patrol
Red Bank crimes as reported from February 20 to February 27. This information, which is supplied by the police department, is unedited.

Criminal Mischief occurring at Broad St. between 2-13-09 and 2-17-09. Victim reported that unknown person(s) punctured a hole in parked vehicle near the lock on driver’s side door. Ptl. Paul Perez.

Burglary occurring on 2-19-09 at Wallace St. Owner reported that unknown subject(s) broke out a window to the rear door of business and gained entry. Stolen was cash from the register. Capt. Darren McConnell.

Criminal Mischief occurring on 2-22-09 at W. Bergen Place. Report of unknown subject(s) smashing windshield and two front windows of parked car. Ptl. Robert Campanella.

Criminal Mischief occurring at Bodman Place between 2-22-09 and 2-23-09. Report of damage done to one of the hotel rooms, including hole in the wall, broken glass, broken lamp and shades. Ptl. John Camarca.

Criminal Mischief reported at Broad St. between the dates of 2-23-09 and 2-24-09. Graffiti was spray painted on two buildings. Ptl. John Camarca.

Theft occurring at Monmouth St. reported on 2-25-09. Victim stated that a comforter was stolen from the Laundromat. Ptl. Jorge Torres.

Criminal Mischief occurring at Monmouth St. 0n 2-25-09. Victim reported that unknown person(s) spray painted graffiti on store front door. Ptl. Beau Broadley.

Theft occurring on Monmouth Street on 2-26-09. Victim reported that unknown person(S) stole from parked truck a potters wheel, tools, finished pottery and clay. Ptl. Matthew Ehrenreich.

ARRESTS 6 Contempt of Court

Michael D. Lane, age 29 male from Red Bank was arrested on 2-27-09 in the area of S. Pearl St. for Resisting Arrest by Ptl. David Hicks.

Michael L. Johnson, male age 25 of Red Bank was arrested on 2-27-09 in the area of Montgomery Terrace for Disorderly Conduct by Ptl. James DePonte.

Juan Lopez-Rodriguez, age 21 male of Red Bank was arrested on 2-22-09 in the area of Monmouth St. for Poss. of CDS and Poss. of Drug Paraphernalia, Shoplifting,
Prohibited Weapon, Brass Knuckles and Unlawful Poss. of a Weapon by Ptl. Thomas Doremus.

Kenneth W. Carpenter, age 45 of Red Bank, male, was arrested on 2-22-09 in the area of Broad St. for Shoplifting by Ptl. John Camarca.

Robert Greene, age 54, male of Red Bank was arrested on 2-21-09 in the area of E. Bergen Place for Simple Assault by Ptl. Thomas Doremus.

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