
The above image is the work of a two of Red Bank’s more creative couples: Mike Harper and Megan Prenderville, who own the Frame to Please framing shop on Waverly Place; and Liz and Bob McKay of McKay Imaging, a photo studio and gallery at 12 Monmouth Street.


Readers may recognize the image as an homage to Norman Rockwell’s 1943 painting Freedom from Want, at right.

Mike and Megan dreamed up the concept for a postcard they sent out to friends and customers. It’s the second painting re-enactment they’ve done; two years ago, they struck a pose to recreate Grant Wood’s ‘American Gothic.

Bob and Liz shot the photo and used a bit of Photoshop trickery to work in elements that couldn’t be controlled on the set, including Megan & Mike’s dogs, Yoshi and Chopper.

In the painting, er, photo, are, from upper left: Mike Harper and Megan Prenderville: Yoshi; Megan’s daughter, Melissa; neighbor Katie and her son, James; Bob McKay; Chopper; Lauren, girlfriend of Megan’s son, Michael; and Michael himself.

Thanks to Megan, Mike, Bob and Liz for letting us publish their card, and Happy Thanksgiving to all our readers from redbankgreen.

Oh, and a reminder: don’t miss the Red Bank Centennial Exhibit that opens with a reception tomorrow night at McKay Gallery, 12 Monmouth Street.