Entries from the Red Bank Police Department logbook for the week of October 17 to 24.
Burglary reported on 10-17-08 at W. Bergen Place vacant residence within the last two weeks. Owner reported that unknown person(s) gained entry into the vacant house and stole the following items: a black marble replica fireplace and a white marble replica fireplace, a large crystal chandelier and a wooden mahogany combination mirror shelf. Ptl. James DePonte.
Burglary occurring on 10-18-08 at DeForrest Ave. Victim reported that unknown person(s) entered residence and stole cash and several pieces of jewelry form bedroom. Ptl. John Camarca.
Robbery occurring on 10-19-08 at approx. 1328 hours at River St. Victim reported that black male on a bicycle approached him while walking, demanded money and pointed a knife at the victim. Victim gave him cash and prepetrator fled. Ptl. Matthew Ehrenreich, Ptl. James DePonte and Sgt. Frazee.
Theft occurring at Broad St. office between 10-15-08 and 1-16-08. Victim reported that a Nano black in color IPOD and a Bose IPOD Sound Dock were stolen by unknown person(s). Ptl. Michael Campanella.
Theft occurring at Broad St. between the dates of 9-8-08 and 9-15-08. Reported missing was an Acer 17 color flat screen monitor. Ptl. Michael Campanella.
Theft occurring at Shrewsbury Ave. on 10-21-08. Employee reported that unknown person(s) stole his sweater which contained his wallet. Ptl. Jorge Torres
Shoplifting occurring on 10-21-08 at N. Bridge Ave.Victim reported that black male unknown shoplifted red bull drinks, placed them in backpack and then left the store without paying for same. Ptl. Paul Perez.
Shoplifting occurring at N. Bridge Ave. Victim reported that white male stole a salad and left the store. When confronted he returned the items and then fled. Arrested Richard Gardner for offense.(see arrests) Ptl. Paul Perez.
Theft occurring at Shrewsbury Ave. Gas station on 10-23-08. Victim inadvertently left cash on counter, left and when returning found the money missing. Ptl. David Hicks.
ARRESTS 7 Contempt of Court
Wyane E. Hegel, age 28 male from Hazlet was arrested on 10-23-08 in the area of Broad Street for Shoplifting, Receiving Stolen Property by Ptl. James DePonte. Hegel was also charged by Hazlet P.D. for theft of a Motor Vehicle
Richard Smith, male age 46 of Tinton Falls was arrested on 10-23-08 in the area of W. Bergen Place for Simple Assault by Ptl. David Smith.
Steven M. Large, age 46 male of Oceanport was arrested on 10-23-08 in the area of Hwy 35 for Attempt to Elude the Police and DWI by Ptl. John Camarca.
James J. Peterson, age 42 male of Red Bank was arrested on 10-22-08 in the area of Waverly Place for Criminal Sexual Contact by Det Joey Fields.
Crystal Cadalzo, age 25 female from Belford was arrested on 10-22-08 in the area of Montgomery terrace for Defiant Trespass, Poss. of Drug Paraphernalia by Ptl. James DePonte.
Richard Gardner, age 54 male from Long Branch was arrested on 10-21-08 in the area of N.Bridge Ave. for Shoplifting by Ptl. Paul Perez.
Dana J. Hill, age 34 male of Ocean was arrested on 10-17-08 in the area of East Front St. for Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest by Det. Robert Clayton.
Edward Gibbons, male age 37 of Little Silver was arrested on 10-20-08 in the area of Harding Rd. for DWI by Capt. Darren McConnell. [Note: Police confirm that this arrest was in connection with the crash redbankgreen reported on a week ago in which a car ended up in a ravine next to the First Presbyterian Church.]
A male juvenile age 17 from Red Bank was arrested on 10-19-08 in the area of Leighton Ave. for Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Poss. of a Weapon and Unlawful Poss. of a Weapon by Ptl. James DePonte.
A female age 15 of Long Branch was arrested on 10-19-08 in the area o f S. Pearl St. for Violation of Curfew by Ptl. John Camarca.
Alberto Vazquez-Tlatelpa, male age 19 from Tinton Falls and Alberto Gonzalez-Moralez, age 31 male from Ocean were arrested on 10-18-08 in the area of Shrewsbury Ave. for Defiant Trespassing by Ptl. Matthew Ehrenreich.