
You may have noticed the cryptic, vaguely erotic posters around Red Bank for “Garden of Earthly Delights” starting tonight at the Two River Theater.

Well, Red Bank oRBit has not only the details, but an interview with MacArthur Award recipient Martha Clarke, the artist responsible for what promises to be a roomful of flying bodies and choreographed hell.

It turns out, you see, that this 90-minute, wordless piece was inspired by the painting of the same name by Hieronymous Bosch, who conjured a landscape of copulating nudes, oversized fruit and other phantasms to depict either a 15th-century vision of the underworld or a 20th-century Grateful Dead concert — take your pick.

Read all about Clarke’s dance interpretation of the seven deadly sins, and the trick to depicting sloth, only in Red Bank oRBit.

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