Have you checked in on Red Bank oRBit yet today? We’ve got two new articles that might stoke your taste buds.
Big name chef/restaurateur/cuisine imp David Burke is the star of the salad bar this month at, of all places, the Saladworks chain. An asparagus-tip accented hodgepodge of greenery that Burke whipped up is being featured through September as part of a fundraiser for a north Jersey charity.
Three cheers for three shot-and-beer joints with staying power in increasingly up-demo downtown Red Bank. oRBit intern Colleen Curry, celebrating her first year as a legal patron of such places, takes the temperature of Brannigans, the Dublin House and the Globe Hotel, and finds each hale and hearty. (Who says interning has to be drudgery? Not us!)
Ok, so two stories ain’t much, but it’s August. And we’ll be updating the new sibling of redbankgreen three days a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. So be sure to check in again Friday when, among other offerings, we’ll have a complete rundown of the coming weekend’s events.
And be sure to give our “oRBites” restaurant finder a spin…