Img_3771Fishing for news: TV trucks in Marine Park Wednesday afternoon.

As go the dolphins, so go the TV news crews, apparently.

A couple of TV trucks were spotted in Red Bank’s Marine Park yesterday, following redbankgreen‘s reports that the Atlantic bottlenose dolphins had gotten out of the rut they were wearing in the Shrewsbury and headed west, up the Navesink.

A member of one of the TV crews told us he and his colleagues had gone out on the river in a State Police marine patrol boat, but hadn’t seen any signs of the visitors.

Guess they’ll have to satisfy themselves with our pix, for now.

It remains to be seen whether the dolphins — who marine experts say appear healthy — will attract the same level of attention they did during their three-week residence prowling the Shrewsbury River between the Highlands Route 36 Bridge and the Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge. Crowds flocked to Sea Bright, and the pod’s extended stay attracted national media attention.

If they stay in the Navesink, though, the dolphins may need some PR help. For one thing, dolphin fatigue may have set in. For another, there aren’t too many public viewing places between the Cooper Bridge, linking Red Bank and Middletown, and the Shrewsbury River, from which to get a view of the river.

One primo spot, the Fair Haven municipal pier, is closed for rebuilding, as we reported yesterday, and not expected to reopen until sometime in August.

Otherwise, the river is lined with private homes and boat clubs.

Then again, the dolphins may be experiencing people fatigue…

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